Aziza Brahim - Mawja

De jaren na de release van Sahari zijn zwaar geweest voor Aziza: "I had a bad anxiety crisis… Just as I was recovering, COVID-19 and lockdown happened, and we had to stop the tour we had planned. That made my condition worse. I had to fight to keep my equilibrium. Then, as I began to recover, in November 2020, my country, Western Sahara, was back at war against Morocco. It Still is. A year later my grandmother Ljadra passed away. She was very important to me and that brought another relapse.".
Enkele intieme liefdevolle odes aan haar overleden grootmoeder als Duaa en Ljaima Likbira, kunnen dan ook niet in de tracklist ontbreken: "She was a very important poet of the Sahrawi revolution and culture. People like her are immortal and her legacy will live forever in the memory of many people. 'Duaa' is a prayer to honour her memory. My grandparents' home was called "the big haima", where she was the great matriarch. It's where I was born and raised. Where we were able to learn to be proud, tenacious, to become activists. First in El Aaiun, then in refugee camps and today in Bucraa in Algeria. Life never has been easy for the Sahrawi!".
Marhabna 2.1 is dan weer een herinterpretatie van Marhabna, een nummer dat al terug te vinden was op Aziza's langspelerdebuut Mabruk uit 2012, en met Bubisher duikt ze in de Sahrawi-mythologie: "In popular belief, the bubisher is a lucky bird because it brings good news, its sighting is a sign that we will receive good news. Based on that idea, people created a project for those in the refugee camps and it carries the bird's name.".
Zoals Aziza al vermeldde, duurt de onafhankelijkheidsstrijd van Sahrawi vooralsnog onverdroten voort, en met Haiyu Ya Zawar, dat dankzij de inbreng van de Andalusische flamencogitarist Raul Rodriguez een meer Spaans tintje kreeg, brengt ze haar eigen versie van een populair verzetslied: "I wanted to include it because it is very related to my people and the meaning of its lyrics at this time of war is evident. It's not only my past, but also my present. My mother, one of my daughters, my brothers and sisters continue living there. Fifty years have passed. Anyone who's lived in this situation knows perfectly that this fact marks you forever.".
Zeker ook nog het vernoemen waard is Metal, Madera, waarvoor Brahim niet alleen op het Spaans overschakelt, maar waarin ook blues en punk elkaar ontmoeten: "It has lyrics that needed a very specific rhythm on the drums. It's very rooted in the blues, but with an inclination towards punk, desert punk! To get the feel, I made the drummer listen to some of my favourite Clash songs before we recorded!".
Aziza Brahim klinkt op Mawja als vanouds de ene keer wat melancholisch en intiem, dan weer strijdvaardig of feestelijk, in een eclectische mix van woestijnblues, flamenco en een snuifje punk!
Aziza Brahim komt Mawja live voorstellen in de Antwerpse Roma op 29 mei! | |